Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wearable Tech, 3D Printing, and Bitcoin News of The Week (Jan 19-25)

Hey Everyone

Here are some things that are going on in the Wearable Tech, 3D Printing and Bitcoin Universes:

Wearable Tech:

Fast Company reported on a hackathon for Wearable Tech. The story is here.


Payment Industry targeted by Bitcoin development Businessweek story here

The price of bitcoin (by Coinbase) is currently $829.69.

3D Printing:

Check out various Twitter handles in #3dprinting. There are many different handles to follow and educate yourself on the great industry that is 3D Printing! You will find important developments on medical technology, local manufacturing and innovation, and more.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Bitcoin and 3D Printing News Jan 12-18 (FBI, NBA, NASA, Hershey's + 3D Systems, more)


- A Wired article (here) shows how Twitter is using Bitcoin code to protect itself.

- Fast Company article (here) on how NBA's Sacramento Kings are accepting bitcoin.

- FBI to sell Bitcoin received from Silk Road shutdown (pando story here)

3D Printing

- NASA 3D Printing Moon bases. Story from (here)

- Hershey joins the fun by partnering with 3D Systems! Story (here)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wearable Tech being added to 2014 List Joining Bitcoin and 3D Printing

KVCC Idea Lab is going to add wearable tech to the 2014 Disruptor List joining Bitcoin and 3D Printing. KVCC has realized that wearable tech is going to be a top topic during 2014.

The blog has recognized that there is just too much going on in the wearable tech space not to acknowledge its movement in 2014. Because it is such a new industry, small niche companies like Recon and Misfit Wearables to giant companies like Nike and Google have an immense opportunity in front of them and are putting their best products forward. There is no telling how many different industries that will be affected by the wearable tech movement. That is exciting.

For example, Wired has made Wearable Tech the cover story of its Jan 2014 issue (link to article here)

Welcome wearable tech! Let's have a very disruptive, successful 2014!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bitcoin and 3D Printing News Jan 4-11 ( says yes, CES, and more)

Here is the news for Bitcoin and 3D Printing during the week of Jan 4-11.


Having and Zynga start accepting Bitcoin is another step forward for Bitcoin. Having articles written by Bloomberg Businessweek as well as videos from Bloomberg and CNBC continue to enhance the growth of Bitcoin.

- has decided to start to accept Bitcoin. The story from CNBC is here.

- Bloomberg video on popularity of Bitcoin (video here.)

- Price of Bitcoin is currently about $820.00 (per Coinbase).

- There is an informative article about Bitcoin from Businessweek (here)

- Wired article on dangers of monopolization of Bitcoin mining (here)

3D Printing

It was a very busy week for 3D printing as CES is going on in Las Vegas. To follow activities going on, following @3dprintindustry for regular updates. You can also follow individual companies like 3D Systems (@3dsystems) if that is better for you.

- Bloomberg put out a video (click here) on "The New Player in the 3D Printing Market".


Monday, January 6, 2014

Bitcoin and 3D Printing News for Dec 29-Jan 4

The following items were noticed during the previous week:


- A story by Entrepreneur magazine (here) about the growing amount of Bitcoin ATM's.

- Price is now back around $1000.00 per coin.

3D Printing

- To be very involved on the 3D Printing, following 3D Printing' Industry's twitter handle (@3dprintindustry) will keep you up to date on most everything 3D Printing

- It was announced that 3D Systems has made another acquisition and has stock near $100.00. A previous post about its stock movement can be found here.