Monday, February 17, 2014

Wearable Tech, Bitcoin, 3D Printing, Crowdfunding 2/8-2/15

Here is what is going on in the universe of Wearable Tech, Bitcoin, 3D Printing, and Crowdfunding:

Wearable Tech
- #wearabletech
- NBA D-League to wear sensors (Fast Company story here).
- GoPro goes IPO (wearable tech news story here).

- #bitcoin
- The current price of Bitcoin (from Coinbase) is in the $650 range
- Mt. Gox to start withdrawals soon (Entrepreneur story here).

3D Printing
- With so much happening on a daily basis, Twitter is a great place to keep up.

- UK Surgeon implants 3D printed pelvis (business insider story  here).


- #crowdfunding

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wearable Tech, Bitcoin, 3D Printing, and Crowdfunding Weekly News (Makerbot, Mt. Gox, Google, more )

Here are what is going on in the Wearable Tech, 3D Printing, Bitcoin, and Crowdfunding areas:

3D Printing

- Is 3D Industry starting to mature? There is a recent story (link here) in 3D Printing Industry that speaks about how Makerbot is halving the price of one of its scanners from $1500 to $750. In November, 3D Systems priced one of its scanners at $400.00. Is there currently or will there be a Dell version of the 3D Industry?

Wearable Tech

- If Google were to have a watch coming out, here are some recommendations. A TechCrunch article is here.


Oh man, what a week for Bitcoin. And not necessarily in a good way, either. The value of bitcoin (per Coinbase) is $728.00

- Mt. Gox has been shutdown. The Wired story link is here.

- The popularity of Bitcoin is hitting elementary schools. A student did a science project on Bitcoin. The pic is here.


For all things crowdfunding, be sure to use #crowdfunding on twitter.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wearable Tech, Bitcoin, 3D Printing, and Crowdfunding Report (2/1)


The following items of note occurred during the previous week in the areas of Wearable Tech, Bitcoin, 3D Printing, and Crowdfunding.

Wearable Tech

- Polar was recognized by Keane Venture Capital and Consulting as being their Group of the week. The story is here.


- The value of a bitcoin (as reported by Coinbase) is currently $824.53.

- Mexican 7-Elevens are now accepting Bitcoin. The Bitcoin Owl story is here.

- There will be a conference on Bitcoin in New York on April 7-8. Details are here.

3D Printing

- As always, Twitter is a fantastic way to keep up with the expanding business of 3D Printing. @3dprintgirl is one that has given a high level of value

- A story from (link here) describes how Makerbot teamed up with and crowdfunding sources everywhere to put a 3d printer in every school for only $98.00.


- See above for how powerful 3D companies are using crowdfunding to put a 3D printer in every public school at a cost to the school of only $98.00.

- Kiva has started Kiva Labs. Check it out here.